Friday, July 15, 2011

we all have two wings


Some said its painful, some said its beautiful but please don’t give me any definition…

Lets experience love, let love take you and bring you up to the sky even though on the way you will be let go and let you fall hard, let it take you deep to the core of the earth and burn you with its holly fire.

I cant say I know but I do can feel. Experience the pain and experience the joy. Love have no secret only openness and honesty, love will never cheat you, love just love, the most honest and beautiful feeling, love will give you what you need, not what you want.

We have two wings, its beautiful and colorful and yet very strong. How could we not want to see it fly? Don’t you want to see the color of our wings and how high we’ll reach the sky? And I may, will take you fly with me and see the world from above, from my imagination from my soul.

I come to you coz I see the promising love, the freedom of life, the soul of the earth.

We may take something from each of us, a little happiness and love to make us smiles to make us giggle even we feel sorrow, to make us dreaming even though we're awake, to make us whole even though we're broken.

But don't forget to give something back, give our love, give our  smiles, and give our joy but don’t forget to give little of our craziness, but for sure we can’t have one thing, we can't have them. You cant have me, her or him. We are one beautiful and unique single spirit. We are here to share, NOT to own one another.

Build an open nest not a cage, build a home with an open doors, help fix their wings when its broken, they/we will love, I believe we will steal love from heaven from thousands angels if we can, even love from god, for them we’ll do anything. I'm sure we will go crazy and go nuts just to make them happy.

We can give, we can love, we can share, we were made from love, live to love and we will die with love, we have nothing but love.

Let it come...

We don’t have to be near our love ones to make sure they ok, we don’t have to make love to show them our love, we don’t have to kiss their lips even though they longing for our presents, we don’t have to hold them even though they lonely and alone, we are here with them in every breath we take, we filled our lungs with love and exhale and take away our grief. Love is with us….

Feel her/him in our blood stream, feel her/him in our heart, have her/him in our thoughts, we will never feel alone we will always feel loved. Feel our presents, embrace every moment, its ours no one else and its beautiful.

Remove your hidden agenda, lessen your expectation, and have only freedom. Freedom that own by every single being and every soul in this universe, but again, you don’t have to choose you only need to surrender, feel free to hold it's hand and take it to dance...

It is for you, free to continue your journey and flap your wings. 

Let's be in love,


* Can you imagine if we all can love for the person it's self not the person we expect them to be, and this not just for lovers, but our family, our best friends, our neighbor, and strangers. I wonder what kind of life it would be?
 *sitting under the tree and staring at the moon, ahhhhh jauh kale!!!